Once you are up and running, there are many ways
to publicize your gemach.
First, email all of your friends to let them
know that you are offering a new service.
If you live in a large Jewish community, many
local Jewish directories include a listing of local gemachs where
you can advertise.
Hamodia Newspaper publishes a list of gemachs
every week in their Tuesday edition. To add your gemach, email
Perhaps the most famous gemach directory is
printed by Hakhel. To order a copy of the directory or to add your
gemach to the list (if it's in the New York metropolitan area), email
information@hakhel.info .
In addition to listing your gemach in
these directories, you should make flyers announcing your service.
The flyers can be posted in local shuls, restaurants and stores (with their permission, if required) and distributed to families in your neighborhood.
If you use Microsoft Word, there are many
professionally designed flyer and poster templates available for
free. We have included two flyer templates below, which you can customize for your gemach. Just click on the templates below to get started.